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End of the world and surroundings

It's the perfect option to enjoy the Argentine side of Tierra del Fuego Island in just a few days, with the comfort and necessary amenities to explore the Fuegian forest and all its attractions. We recommend the most appealing spots in the area, and then you decide where to park your vehicle to wake up wherever you like the most.

In addition to appreciating all the unmatched flora and fauna of the area you can do activities such as: hiking, cycling, sport fishing, horseback riding, canoeing, canopy, wildlife spotting, among others.

We start in Tierra del Fuego National Park which is located 11 km. from the city of Ushuaia with an extension of 68,909 hectares composed of mountains, lakes, valleys, bogs, coasts and dense forests being home of native species such as the Fuegian red fox and different birds. Its forests are made up of Lengas, Guindos, Canelos and Ñires which during the autumn season create an unforgettable landscape of reddish, ochre, and green colors.

Within the park, there are 3 camping areas open between November and April: Río Pipo, Ensenada, and Laguna Verde/Cauquenes, and it features a variety of trails marked with different levels of difficulty.

Tierra del Fuego National Park Trails | Argentina.gob.ar

Tierra del Fuego National Park Map (spanish)

Tierra del Fuego National Park Map (english)

We continue through the area of ​​the capital of Tierra del Fuego and only 7 km from it you will find the impressive Martial glacier where it is possible to hike at different levels and do canopy tours, discovering the mythical glacier and its spectacular panoramic views of Ushuaia and its surroundings. 

Before returning to the city, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a delicious hot chocolate at the base of the Glacier.

Martial glacier – Secretary of Tourism Ushuaia (Trails)

Once the tour within the city perimeter is finished, we'll head towards the most exciting part of the routes. We'll make our way to the area of the great lakes of Tierra del Fuego Island, where you can drive along mountain roads between valleys and lakes, accompanied by all the equipment we'll provide for you to enjoy all the sensations that this end of the planet has to offer. 

We leave the city taking Route 3 heading north, and after 75 km from the city of Ushuaia, we will arrive at a small fishing village located on the east coast of the Beagle Channel called Puerto Almanza,where you can taste delicacies from its waters such as King Crab, Trout, and Patagonian Toothfish. We also recommend visiting the historic Harberton Ranch, the oldest and richest in history and culture in these remote corners of the earth, with its own museum, walks, and navigation.  

Continuing on Route 3, you will be able to explore the Escondido and Fagnano lakes among others, as well as crossing the famous Step Garibaldi which divides the Andes Mountain Range into its northern and southern faces.  

On the shores of the Fagnano Lake is located Tolhuin, a quaint and quiet small town that invites you to explore its forests, enjoy lovely moments on its beach (Beware of windy days!), and witness magical sunsets. You mustn't miss the famous La Unión bakery and try some of their many delicious homemade treats.

In its surroundings, you'll find the Provincial Reserves Island heart, Black lagoon and Valdez River to enjoy hiking, horseback riding, and fishing in a setting of great natural beauty, consisting of kilometers of forests, lagoons, hills, and rivers.
